Saturday, May 12, 2012

uncharted territory

A couple of weeks ago I found an intimate meeting that I never knew existed. Very close to home, and in a location with which I'm ridiculously familiar. Somehow I just never heard about this particular meeting. Despite the fact that it interferes with a valuable parent-focus meeting I regularly attend, this new meeting appeals to me for a number of reasons. So far I haven't seen a single grandiose Al-Anon there - nobody seems to think they're doing it better than anybody else; in fact, everybody seems pretty humble and vulnerable, a little broken (or a lot), and just looking for some relief, and some honesty. No bombast. Just really uncomfortable people making their best attempt at rigorous honesty, heads spinning from the fall-out. I'm truly delighted for all the Al-Anons out there at the big, holy-rollin' Saturday morning meeting I attend, or the raucous Friday night one, that have found their serenity, strength and hope and so get up to lead the flock, bright and shiny faces forward, making the rest of us aware of how very far we have to go, how unevolved we remain (speaking strictly for myself, as in the royal "we"!). But what I really appreciate is hearing the relative newcomers at this cozy little meeting whose pain is so raw, and whose desire for change is intense enough to have finally brought them out of their shell/hell and into this room on their knees. It's good to see what we can look forward to as we get stronger in program by listening to solid old-timers (although I've found that length of time in program is no absolute indicator of degree of recovery), but my gratitude progresses by leaps and bounds when I hear the struggling newcomer in a life or death struggle for sanity. And gratitude has been the key to my recovery so far, such as it is. I'm grateful for this little meeting of minds and hearts, and the compassion and empathy I feel for everybody in that room, including myself.

Friday, May 11, 2012

On the road again...

Welcome to my quiet little corner of the recovery world in al-anon. It might look a lot like yours - but even if it doesn't, just take what you like and leave the rest! Happy, joyous and free - on the road to recovery! xox